Piped natural gas (PNG)!

Commercial & Industrial .

Benefits of Commercial and Industrial PNG::-

WTB BUSINESS NO 1 trust-able platform for both

Maintenance Cost is low
Environment friendly
No storage at customer’s premises ensures high consumer safety
Billing as per consumption – meter reading )
PNG being lighter than air, hence in case of leakage, it will dissipate rapidly and avoids spontaneous flammability.
No Adulteration, spillage or pilferage

Commercial & Industrial

PNG’s widespread acceptability among industrial sectors over past some years over other conventional fuel is mostly due to on-tap availability, no storage and handling issue, ease of usage, no spillage or pilferage, free from adulteration, bare minimum maintenance requirement, 24 X 7 availability, increased life of equipment, clean to burn, higher burning efficiency, better product quality, accuracy of measurement & available on credit.
Considering its continuous availability and burning at constant temperature has made it the most acceptable fuel to Ceramics-Tile Manufacturing unit, Metal, Dairy, Pharmaceuticals, Crockery, Glass, Dyes & Chemical, Food Processing, Textile, Plastic, Piped Natural Gas in an industrial unit is used for varied applications such as Kiln, Furnace, Boiler, Spray Dryers, Ovens, Thermic Fluid Heaters, CPP/Turbines/Generators. Chilling Plants etc.
Industries have saved on cost and storage space by using PNG and in turn pollution levels have also gone down.

Domastic Services

Domestic or Residential customers use PNG as a cooking fuel. PNG replaces the LPG and gives users a hassle-free and continuous supply at a much cheaper rate than LPG.

Commercial Services

PNG is suitable for commercial purposes because it provides high combustion efficiency at an economical price, pollution free and minus storage hence making it the best choice.

Industrial Services

PNG is suitable for commercial purposes because it provides high combustion efficiency at an economical price, pollution free and minus storage hence making it the best choice.


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Low Cost

WTB BUSINESS provide low cost and short time delivery