Benefits of Commercial and Industrial PNG::-
WTB BUSINESS NO 1 trust-able platform for both
Commercial & Industrial
PNG’s widespread acceptability among industrial sectors over past some years over other conventional fuel is mostly due to on-tap availability, no storage and handling issue, ease of usage, no spillage or pilferage, free from adulteration, bare minimum maintenance requirement, 24 X 7 availability, increased life of equipment, clean to burn, higher burning efficiency, better product quality, accuracy of measurement & available on credit.
Considering its continuous availability and burning at constant temperature has made it the most acceptable fuel to Ceramics-Tile Manufacturing unit, Metal, Dairy, Pharmaceuticals, Crockery, Glass, Dyes & Chemical, Food Processing, Textile, Plastic, Piped Natural Gas in an industrial unit is used for varied applications such as Kiln, Furnace, Boiler, Spray Dryers, Ovens, Thermic Fluid Heaters, CPP/Turbines/Generators. Chilling Plants etc.
Industries have saved on cost and storage space by using PNG and in turn pollution levels have also gone down.